Davidoff cigar evening at 30. January 2025
Davidoff Mâitre Cigarier Wolfgang Schmid organises his legendary cigar evening in the Salon Sibylla. Davidoff cigars are renowned for their exceptional craftsmanship, quality of workmanship and special flavour. Wolfgang Schmid gives guests an entertaining insight into the various cigar formats and the great art of smoking enjoyment. A delicious 3-course menu from the Erbprinz kitchen rounds off the evening with culinary delights.
Validity | 1 year | |
Terms of Service: | This voucher is only an order confirmation and does not serve as an admission ticket for the event. You will receive the original ticket from Hotel Erbprinz by post. A refund of the purchase price in cash is excluded. | |
Price | EUR 145 |
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